Carriers of Light is a full-time Islamic school for grades pre-school through 6th. We focus approximately 60 % of the school day on Academics and 40% on Quranic studies (reading, memorization, and tajwid). In addition to Islamic Studies classes, character education and reminders about good manners are woven throughout the day. Arabic classes for all grade levels strengthen the Quranic foundation.

Experiental Learning

We lead by example to let our students taste the sweetness of faith and the beauty of worship

  • School-wide Surah Al-Kahf reading every Friday

  • School-wide daily Quran reading in Ramadan to complete khatem

  • Jumuah khutbahs prepared and led by our boys

  • Instilling the love of Allah ﷻ, His Book, and His Prophet ﷺ

“I learned manners at COL by watching how the teachers were all day.”

Former COL Student

Fatima Mirza, COL’s 18th Hafiza, October 2020








Our vision is to nurture righteous Carriers of Light who choose to better their world, with a foundation of strong faith, broad knowledge, and the Prophetic teachings.

Knowledgeable * Well-mannered *

Practicing * Leaders

“COL taught me to do what’s right even if everyone is doing something else.”

Former COL Student


Carriers of Light inspires our students to make the study of Qur’an part of their daily lives, a lifelong endeavor started in their youth, along with, not instead of, their secular studies and other activities.

Core Values:

  • Quran – Centered

  • Strong Academically

  • Tarbiyah­-Focused

  • Quality over Quantity

  • Well­-Rounded Program

  • Positive and Happy Atmosphere

The COL Vibe

Ask any teacher or student and they know it. It’s happy and loving. Students want to come to this school and our alumni visit on their days off

“One of the biggest things that impacted my life was the good influence of the people around me. The positive environment encouraged me to be a better person.”

“I’ve realized that most of my best friends I made were at COL. We were like a family to each other. We welcomed new students with warmth and made them feel one of us. The teachers also played a great role at COL for me. All the teachers were patient and kind. The family I had at COL was the best!”

— Former COL Students

Transformative Experience & Spiritual Nurturing

We focus on the social-emotional development of our children

  • Our Morning Meeting sets the tone for the day and establishes a daily routine of starting with remembrance of Allahﷻ

  • Recitation of traditional daily adhkar

  • Focus on adab and akhlaq with seamless integration of Islamic tarbiya

  • Deep dive into hadith: learning and implementing over weeks

“The teachers particularly made this journey so very special. They instilled a love for the quran in our hearts, and helped us all connect with it.”   

Former COL Student